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Writer's pictureCorey Portell

Ethical Dilemma and Agency Paper

This ethical dilemma paper was assigned as my mid-term for my Communication, Management, & Ethics class and I completed it independently. This paper asked me to think of an ethical dilemma that I have encountered in the real world and to apply ethical frameworks through which to analyze the dilemma. Using several frameworks, I considered whether the choices I made throughout this dilemma were ethical and discussed why. This dilemma occurred a long time ago and it was a relatively extreme case that offered the opportunity to reflect. It provided me ways to consider different ethical frameworks in various murky situations moving forward considering to whom am I responsible? COMMUNICATION, MANAGEMENT, & ETHICS LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1) Identify some of the philosophical approaches to moral philosophy, 2) Examine how these approaches manifest themselves in organizational culture, 5) Evaluate and act on ethical dilemmas that arise in a variety of organizational situations, and 6) Imagine and describe an ethical environment for different professional categories.

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