Reaction Paper #3
This reaction paper was the third weekly assignment I submitted in response to a chosen reading for my Foundations of Strategic...
This reaction paper was the third weekly assignment I submitted in response to a chosen reading for my Foundations of Strategic...
The Medisys case study and interview was a component of the Capstone course all MSC students complete; this is the revised script I wrote...
Gratton, Lynda, & Erickson, Tamara J. (2007, November). Eight ways to build collaborative teams. Harvard Business Review, 85(11),...
O’connor, A., Shumate, M., & Meister, M. (2008). Walk the line: Active moms define corporate social responsibility. Public Relations...
Gardner, H., & Peterson, R. (2019, September). Back channels in the boardroom: How to prevent side conversations between directors from...
Mortensen, M., & Gardner, H. (2017, September). The overcommitted organization: Why it's hard to share people across multiple teams - and...
Lim, J., & Greenwood, C. (2017). Communicating corporate social responsibility (CSR): Stakeholder responsiveness and engagement strategy...
Liu, S. (2014). Crisis crowdsourcing framework: Designing strategic configurations of crowdsourcing for the emergency management domain....
Edmondson, A. (2016, June). Wicked problem solvers: Lessons from successful cross- industry teams. Harvard Business Review, 94(6), 52....
Gossett, L., & Kilker, J. (2006). My job sucks: Examining counterinstitutional web sites as locations for organizational member voice,...
Garner, J. (2012). Making waves at work: Perceived effectiveness and appropriateness of organizational dissent messages. Management...
Prahalad, C. K., & Ramaswamy, V. (2002, April 2). The co-creation connection. Strategy + Business 2(27). 1-12. Retrieved from...
Frisch, B. (2008, November). When teams can’t decide. Harvard Business Review, 86(11), 121-126. Instead of leadership bearing the...
Coutu, D., & Beschloss, M. (2009, May). Why teams don’t work. Harvard Business Review, 87(5), 98-105. In “Why Teams Don’t Work”, Diane...
Khalifa, A. S. (2012). Mission purpose, and ambition: Redefining the mission statement. Journal of Strategy and Management 5(3), 235-251....
Devanna, M. A., & Tichy, N. (1990). Creating the competitive organization of the 21st century: The boundaryless corporation. Human...
Dulek, R. E., & Campbell, K.S. (2015). On the dark side of strategic communication. International Journal of Business Communication,...