This paper was the second analysis of an organizational change attempt that I have experienced. I was required to write this position paper independently and submit it as my final assignment for my Change Management course. Using my own experience of organizational change, I was required to identify the specific nature of change, individual change agents and their motivations and power, the targets of change and their power, as well as plans for and obstacles to successful change. I had to apply specific theories discussed in class as my lens through which to analyze the change. Since this was my second analysis of the same change attempt, it required me to think of the change in several ways, pushing me to learn how others view not only the attempt, but also the impact and long term goals. Much of my learning was through how leadership successfully conveyed or failed to communicate organizational change and intended goals, and how greatly this can vary based on individuals.
CHANGE MANAGEMENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1) examine perspectives that focus on how an individual’s attitudes and behaviors might be altered, 2) analyze and strategize for how an organization’s policies and practices might be changed, 3) gain an understanding of how persuasion, bargaining, negotiation, and organizational campaigns can be used to implement, manage, and respond to organizational change.
